How to fix [PII_EMAIL_57BDE08C1AB8C5C265E8] Error ?

Pii is an email service provider that allows you to send and receive emails from multiple email accounts at once. It also lets you manage your inboxes and organize your messages. Pii has a free version, but it’s limited in terms of features. If you want more functionality, then the premium version will be better for you.

What is the error [pii_email_57bde08c1ab8c5c265e8] ?

The PII Email Address was used without permission or authorization. This means someone has accessed your personal information through an unauthorized source such as a website or application. If you believe this may have occurred, follow the instructions below to protect yourself against identity theft.

How do I know if my email address has been compromised?

What causes [pii_email_57bde08c1ab8c5c265e8] Error?

When you send emails using Google Apps, there are two types of errors that could occur:

• The first type of error happens because the recipient’s email server does not recognize our sender domain. In other words, they don’t think we’re who we say we are. We call this “Sender Domain Mismatch”. It usually happens when people use different email addresses than their real ones. For example, some people might sign up for a free trial version of something like Hotmail and create an email address based on their username. When they later decide to switch over to a paid plan, they’ll need to change their password and/or update their profile. Unfortunately, many services will only allow them to set one primary email address per user.

1. Clear Temp Files from Your System

• Go into File Explorer or Finder.

• Locate any files named.*google*.appcache.* or *google-services-.json.*. Delete them. These temporary files contain data related to your Google apps accounts. Deleting them helps prevent future issues.

• Restart your computer.

Check Your Senders List

• Log back into your Google App dashboard.

Click “App Permission” tab

Clear Temporary Data

Log out of your Google account

Close Chrome browser completely

Press OK button

Restart your device

2. Reinstall Outlook

• Install Microsoft Office 365

• Uncheck Sync Contacts & Calendars

• Check Sync Tasks

• Close settings window

• Press Ok

• Wait until sync completes

• Try sending messages again

3. Windows 7/8/10:

1. Open the Start Menu.

2. Click on “Control Panel”.

3. Select “System and Security”.

Update your Windows version

Cracked software is software that has been modified or altered without permission. These programs are usually designed to be illegal and contain viruses. They are often sold through websites like eBay and Amazon.

You should never download cracked software unless you trust its developer.

To check whether your PC is infected by malware, click here. If you find anything suspicious in your system, please contact us immediately.

What is the justification [pii_email_57bde08c1ab8c5c265e8] blunder to appear?

The PII contained within these records includes name, date of birth, gender, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, occupation, employer, financial institution details, social security numbers, passport number, driver license number, medical record number, health insurance policy number, credit card number, etc.

If you suspect that your privacy rights were violated due to unauthorized access to your private information, then it is important to take immediate action to correct the situation.

Step 1 – Verify if there is no other mail server running on port 25

Open command prompt as administrator and type netstat -a |findstr:25

This command will list all processes listening on port 25. You may also see another process with PID0 which indicates that the service was already started before. In this case, kill the process using taskkill /PID 0

This step verifies if there is nothing else running on port 25. If not found, proceed further.

Step 2 – Stop SMTP Service

Type services.MSC in the search box and press enter key. Find SMTP service under the Startup Type column and stop it.

Note: This step only works for Windows 10 users.

On the off chance that it is an SMTP worker strife causing the mistake, you can follow the underneath steps.

Step 3 – Remove any existing email servers from IIS configuration file

Go to C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv folder and open web.config file. Step 4 – Add new IP Address to Exchange Server Configuration File

In the same directory where we have opened the web. config file, go to \inetpub\wwwroot\wfe\exchange2010 folder and open exchange2010 config file.

Replace ipaddress with the actual IP address of your Exchange 2010 Mailbox server.

Save changes and restart IIS

Programmed Repair Error Fixing for [pii_email_57bde08c1ab8c5c265e8] Error

The error code is related to the system files. If you have installed the wrong version of the program, then you need to uninstall the program and install the correct version.

If you want to fix the error code, then you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Control Panel.

Step 2: Click on Programs and Features. Step 3: Select Uninstall a Program option.

Step 4: Search for the application or game that has caused the problem.

Step 5: Press the Next button.

Step 6: Choose the Delete Files option.

Step 7: Wait until the installation finishes completely.

After completing the above-mentioned steps, try installing the latest version again.

Utilizing Window’s TroubleShooting Centre for repairing MS Outlook Error

1) Open Microsoft Outlook.

2) Click on the File menu and then click on Options.

3) Now select the tab named “Troubleshooting”.

4) In the troubleshooting window, click on the “Reset Settings” option. 5) After clicking Reset settings, wait till the complete resetting takes place.

6) Once done, close the outlook and start working normally.

7) Try opening Microsoft Outlook once more.

Directly Contacting Support of Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft provides 24/7 support through its official website. The customer care team is available round-the-clock at their toll-free number 1800-100-0000. They are always ready to help you out whenever required.

You can contact them by sending emails to [email protected].


We hope our article will be helpful to all those who face problems while accessing their email account. We also recommend everyone to use Gmail instead of Hotmail because Google offers better security than other providers. You should never share personal information like passwords etc., as they may get hacked easily. So make sure you keep yourself safe online!

About David

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